
Nitty Gritty Dirt Week 7

In Your Share This Week
Provider Green Beans
Eureka Yellow Beans
Northern Lights Swiss Chard
Mixed Lettuces
Walla Walla Onions
White Ball Turnips
A variety of Summer Squash which might include:
Zephyr (slim bowling pin shaped, yellow top/pale green bottom)
Eight Ball (round dark green)
Elite (classic light green zucchini)
Pattypans (scallpops - yellow, green white)
Horn of Plenty (yellow crookneck)
Lita (oval grey mideastern cousa)

From the Farmers….
We are entering the abundant season! Beans, beans, beans. Our bean plants are so productive this year – every plant loaded with curtains of beans that we actually stopped picking – just gave up on the second half of the rows – instead of inundating you with bags and bags of beans. I based the amount of plants to grow on last year – and you may remember that last year we were hit hard with the June hail – destroying a lot of our crops and cutting the yield on a lot of others – including beans – but I hadn’t realized our yield was that drastically reduced until I saw our yellow beans today.
This could be a great thing – if you are one of those folks who would like to freeze or can a few beans – or a lot of beans – let us know immediately and plan to come to the farm this Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoon to pick some beans for your winter eating. After that they will be too overly mature. You can email but it might be best to call to make sure we get the message in time so you can come to pick.
We have already begun working up the soil where some of the first crops were planted and harvested and now replanted with succession crops. Where the earliest greens were, we put on loads of compost from our local municipal composting site, disked and tilled and that area is now replanted to fall red cippolini onions and some cilantro will also get seeded there. Where the early sugar snap peas were is now – already mulched – a late crop of green beans – more chard, beets, late radishes and turnips. Soon we will disk and till the kohlrabi and broccoli field and ready it for either replanting or putting in a soil-building cover crop.
We are continuing to try to get under control the scads of weeds that took over in the early spring cold. We’ve resorted to pruning some of the big lamb’s quarters taking up residence in the onion patch. The weeds which grew up right next to the onions even though the patch was mulched have grown so tall that I’ve become worried that they are shading the plants so much that though it hadn’t seemed so earlier, I’m thinking now that they could inhibit crop growth. It is always a bit of a complex process to determine the maximum amount of weed competition each crop can bear. We don’t like to keep our soil bare (of mulch or weeds) since it leaves it open to evaporation and drying out – but too many weeds can also suck moisture away from the crop we want as well as shade it too much. Sometimes, we simply mow the pathways between the rows to keep the vegetation low and create grass pathways. This way we don’t let the weeds set seeds either. And while you may wonder why we don’t do this with all the crops, we don’t because the grasses among the weeds are not well behaved – they like to keep creeping over into the crop rows instead of staying in their neatly mowed areas – so this technique works best in areas like the spaces between the rows planted in plastic mulch like the tomatoes, peppers and melons.

All the animals are doing fine – it takes a ton of water to keep them all well hydrated on these hot, humid days. The pigs like to take a quick drink and then try to lay in their water tubs. They are also digging deep holes to get to the cool soil to lay in. The lambs, chicks, and rabbits we are raising for butcher are all nearly ready for the fateful day. (See the upcoming notice about available meat shares.) We are all looking forward to cutting back on our huge feed bill when we will no longer have all these young, always hungry livestock.

Until next week…..

The Bread Box
Your bread share this week is an Oatmeal Wheat. We are experimenting with an all purpose flour to replace the strong bread flour that is unavailable. It seems to have worked well for this batch. Enjoy.


Use the addresses to google or mapquest or look up the drop site from your particular location. Keep in mind that the folks at the drop sites are volunteers, allowing us to use their space (and in some cases, their homes) as drop sites. Be nice to them. We couldn't do this without them. If you have any questions about your share etc., you should ask us, not them. They have enough to do....as do we all. All deliveries occur on Thursday afternoons. Approximate drop site times are listed below each location. The end times vary but you should pick up your share as early as possible. Look for the NITTY GRITTY DIRT FARM DROP SITE signs at your delivery locations along with lists to check your name off when you pick up, and a description of exactly what you should take.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm
10386 Sunrise Road (Cty Rd 9)
Harris MN 55032

35 north past North Branch to the Harris Exit. Turn Right.
Go into Harris, cross RR tracks to stop sign. Turn Left
Go 2 blocks to County Rd 9, also called Sunrise Road. (at Heartbreakers Bar) Turn Right. Farm is 4 1/2 miles out on left side of road. Look for Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm sign.
Shares available from 3:00 to 6:00

United Theological Seminary 3000 5th Street NW, New Brighton MN 55112
694 to Silver Lake Road exit. Go south to 5th and turn west (right). Go three blocks to UTS. Follow driveway (left) to the maintenance garage at the far north end of the parking lot. Shares available after 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

Pilgrims United Church of Christ
8801 Rice Lake Road, Maple Grove MN 55369
Just off of Weaver Lake Road across from Rice Lake Elementary School. Use main church door. Shares available from 3:30 to 6:00.

Acadia Cafe
329 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis
NW corner of Cedar and Riverside. Park on Riverside or
in lot behind the cafe.
Shares available after 3:15 PM until 6:00 PM

Vincent Avenue
3646 Vincent Avenue North, Mpls MN 55412
1/2 block north of 36th Ave N, and 2 blocks south of Dowling. Park on the street. Shares available after 3:30 until 6:00 PM

Additional drop sites may be added as shares are sold. Drop Sites are subject to change but plenty of notice will be given and alternate sites will be within close proximity to the original drop site.


Robin Raudabaugh & Gigi Nauer

Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm

10386 Sunrise Road

PO Box 235

Harris MN 55032

(651) 226-1186


Also Nitty Gritty Goods Wool CSA
Robin Raudabaugh

We are a 15 acre Community Supported Agriculture farm providing a wide variety of fresh, organically and sustainably grown vegetables, fruit, lamb, pork, turkey and chicken. Located one hour north of the Twin Cities, we deliver to several metro locations. We are intentional about our organic and sustainable farming practices which include (but are not limited to): maintaining soil health through green and animal manures, compost, mulch, cover crops and crop rotations; Organic Pest Management to naturally monitor, prevent and control insects and other pests; maintaining animal health and well-being through the use of portable and loose housing and pasture rotations. Owner/operators Robin Raudabaugh and Gigi Nauer provide over 30 years experience in fruit, vegetable and livestock production, education and customer service. Our primary goal is to build community, relationships and personal health and well-being around good food and the intentional living that creates it. We’d love to have you join us.

Not every day is like this but we try.

Not every day is like this but we try.

Not every day is like this either.

Not every day is like this either.