The temperature prediction for next week includes days in the 40s. And while we would love to believe weather predictions and are hopeful that they are accurate, we don't count on it. Yesterday we were slogging through the mud in front of the pole barn. Today, we're skating over frozen sections of the same area.
Whatever the weather brings, we are moving forward into a Spring we know will come. We are planning and prepping for the bees arrival in mid April, assembling new supers and frames, painting and repairing the older hive boxes. Lambing and goat kidding have begun inspite of cold temperatures and so far we have 7 goat kids and 16 lambs. Bottle feeding a few of them happens at least once a day when a ewe has trouble keeping up. This year, that has only been necessary with three of them, but we still have five more ewes who haven't lambed yet. One of the goat kids got chilled and couldn't warm back up so we brought her in the house for a while. A warm towel and the woodstove healed her chills and after 4 ounces of goats milk from a bottle (and peeing on the carpet), she was ready to go back out to her mom and her sibling. She is doing great.
Farm life is a regular reminder that everything changes, sometimes from minute to minute. This is a miraculous time of year. Robin has been raising sheep for over 20 years and she says she never gets tired of it, especially lambing.
Our new intern Karla Pankow arrived from Michigan, bringing refreshing energy and enthusiasm to her first day on Friday. She had a good first day. She saw a lamb being born, helped gather up some dry beans stored in the greenhouse, and solved some technical issues on our farm facebook page. She'll be helping out on the farm on a part time basis to begin with and soon be full time. We're thrilled that she's here.
Our first Spring Fever Farm Fest for Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm will be Sunday, March 13th at the Acadia Cafe from 2:00 to 4:00. We'll be having another similar event in the Maple Grove area and possibly one in Cambridge. Watch for details here on the blog, and on our facebook page.
Until next week...
Robin and Gigi