Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year. The chores, though fewer, seem harder in the cold and dark. Even though the animals have been moved closer to the barn where they can get under the lean-to and out of the weather, we bundle up like we’re trekking to the North Pole, just to go out to the barn.
Those of you who know how diversified we are, won’t be surprised to know that we have added and subtracted a few livestock this year. Our original plan was to cut back, but that didn’t last long. We bartered away the Highlander Cow, Apple, and her calf, Rhubarb, to a nice young man with a farm in Maple Lake. In exchange, he is going to paint the inside of our house in January. We then drove down to Kevin and Connie’s farm near Rochester and came home with two young bull calves to raise. So much for cutting back…Then after one of the two goats we bought became ill and had to be put down, we got two more. We now have two Saanens and one Toggenburg goat and all three have been bred. So much for cutting back…
Also, after our beloved 19-year-old dog Cody left us, and Bracken the 4-year-old was now and “only” dog, we stopped by the Humane Society based on a gut feeling and came home with a bouncing 4 month old husky lab mix. He is black and white and his name is Birch. So much for…. Well, you get the picture.
We hope this greeting finds you all warm and peaceful even in these difficult economic times, and like the increasing light of each day, you find hope throughout this holiday season.
The seed catalogs have already begun to arrive so we knew it was time to update the blog for the 2009 season. All of the current info for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm CSA is below. Don’t call with questions until you’ve read through it. The answer you’re looking for is probably in there somewhere. Those of you have been with us before will see a few changes. Those of you looking at this for the first time, welcome.
We look forward to hearing from you all.
Robin and Gigi
Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm