With February upon us, the seed catalogs are being studied - seriously now rather than with unrealistic dreaming - for this year's seed order, and our imaginations are already turning to produce boxes full of colorful vegetables. While we look forward to warmer, longer days, the farm remains frozen and snow-covered. This week's temperatures might change that slightly but we won't be fooled into thinking that winter is on it's way out. Last year, an April snow storm and many very cold nights were a challenge to farmers and their greenhouses all over the midwest.
Lambing (lambs being born) will begin in mid March and this year, a first for Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm (but not for Robin) our three goats will be kdding (birthing baby goat kids) at about the same time. We will be shearing the sheep in the first week of March in preparation for lambing. Shearing at this time of year helps encourage the sheep to stay close to the barn when lambing, and makes it easier for the babies to find mom's milk supply. It also give us another supply of beautiful fleeces to work with and sell.
For those of you who have already sent in your memberships for the 2009 season, we thank you. Your early membership helps us pay for the seeds and other supplies we need to get started. For those of you who haven't signed up yet, please do so ASAP. (See the membership form below). We are limiting our membership to 100 shares this year, so don't lose out by waiting.